Pre-baby bucket list - Lockdown edition
If you’re pregnant you’ve probably found yourself following your progress along on apps, videos, books or podcasts (maybe even all four!) This is a great way of staying connected to your little one’s growth and development as well as normalising all the strange things your body is going through. I’m a complete dork so I follow along on SO many different platforms! Recently, though, they all had the same message. Make the most of these last few months before your child comes along. Every pre-baby bucket list out there is jam-packed full of great ideas like ‘Go to fancy restaurants’, ‘Travel’, ‘Visit the cinema’ and ‘Go to a spa’. Wonderful! But wait, we’re not currently allowed to leave our homes…
My first response was to feel pretty bummed. You only have your first child once, this was it for us. Our babymoon, baby shower and standard bucket list have all been cancelled in order to keep everyone safe. Then I thought, stop! This is our one chance, why waste it feeling sorry for ourselves? I decided I was going to put together a list of things to do before the baby comes, one that could be achieved while following all the lockdown rules. I asked lots of new and experienced parents for their top recommendations of things they wished or were glad they did before their world turned upside down. Here are some of the best, big or small!
Binge watch a series on Netflix -
So you may well be able to watch tv once your baby comes but it’ll no-doubt be studded with feeds, changes, soothing and maybe the odd case of nodding off (and that’s just you and your partner!) Make the most of this lockdown to work through some of your favourite tv programs together. We’re currently re-watching House on Prime!
Walk hand in hand with your partner-
Walks are our one escape from our homes right now, make the most of them! Hold hands, talk together about the things that are important to you and explore streets you haven’t walked down before.
Cook your most complicated meals and enjoy them in peace!-
The luxury of spending time cooking without time constraints, a little one attached to your leg or being restricted to things they’ll eat. Set the table, light a candle and make it an experience.
Anything you’ve always wanted to try? Now is the time! If you can’t find flour it may also be time to get creative. Almond flour cake, anyone?
Make a movie list and watch them all, with snacks!-
Uninterrupted movies may well be a thing of the past so make sure to enjoy them properly now! Pull out the popcorn, stick on your PJs and settle in.
Enjoy a long bath, or maybe a few…
I have it on good authority that long, uninterrupted baths and showers are a luxury of the past once baby comes along! Stick on some music or a podcast, bring out the bubbles, light some candles and settle in. If you’re following hypnobirthing this could be a great opportunity to use some of those essential oils and play some calming music.
Do nothing and really appreciate it-
Okay, this one’s hard for me at the moment (I know, world’s smallest violin!) Both our jobs have been put on hold so we’re working hard to find useful things to fill our time. I’ve been reminded by many people to really make the most of this, though. The freedom to do nothing without any guilt, how often do we have that?
Play games, board, computer or otherwise -
What’s your poison? We love board games, console games and PC games so we’re well set on this. We’re going to be sure to get some good, uninterrupted gaming nights in over the next few months!
Take an online course -
There are so many options here! Could you spend time learning how to take beautiful photos so you’re all set for when baby comes along? Or learn the basics of playing guitar? Other ideas include learning a language, buffing up on your cooking skills or even taking an online exercise class!
Read, in peace! -
Reading is one of my favourite things to do. I’ve been caught saying that I’d give up my phone before my kindle many times! I have high hopes of breastfeeding time being a reading opportunity but either way, there’s nothing like uninterrupted reading time. Create yourself a sofa nest or a comfy spot in the garden and escape into a world that isn’t in lockdown!
Organise at-home date nights -
I bet you can be more creative than me! Candlelit dinner at the table for two? Take-away? BBQ? Virgin Mojitos in the garden? Movie night with popcorn? Anything to mix up your usual lockdown evenings! Turn off those phones, throw on something other than your Pjs - maybe even do your hair!
DIY, clean and sort-
Okay, this is less of a ‘bucket list’ and more of an essential. Get your space all ready for your new arrival while you still have two hands to yourself! Enjoy decorating with your favourite music on, empty every cupboard into piles on the bed and get stuck in. (Don’t forget to follow all medical advice on dos and don’ts of decorating during pregnancy.)
Make ice-cream sundaes-
Or whatever treat it is you’re craving! I don’t know about you, but I feel like the months before your first baby comes along are the last time you get to indulge in childish, selfish fun for a little while. Get out the whipped cream, chocolate chips and cherries and make something tasty. (What else you chose to do with those ingredients is not my business!)
Do a project together-
Make a video, follow a workout programme (prenatal friendly, of course), build something, work on a big puzzle… anything you’ve been meaning or wanting to do together but not got round to, now is the time. My husband and I are making music recordings together as well as building a cupboard, things we definitely won’t have time for soon!
I don’t think this needs an explanation… enjoy this time just the two of you!
Spend time being creative-
Okay, lots of the things in this list are creative, but this is more about being creative for creativity’s sake. Paint, knit, sew, write a song, bake an extravagant cake, take photos around your house or on a walk… Just make sure whatever you do has no purpose other than being enjoyable for you!
Sleep, well…stay in bed-
You can’t bank sleep for when the baby comes and for a lot of your pregnancy sleeping can be pretty difficult anyway. I’m not going to patronise you by suggesting you have lots of lie ins! What you can do, though, is choose to enjoy some lazy time together propped up on every cushion you own. Breakfast in bed? Duvet day? Take that morning cup of tea back under the covers? Stay in bed and read? Just generally enjoy some peace and quiet.
Pamper yourselves (Face masks, manicure, massage, paint your toe-nails)-
This one is top of our list! Every pregnancy is different, but mine has left me spotty, tired and tense. An evening, or day, of pampering sounds like bliss. We can’t currently escape to a spa for the day so we’ll have to recreate it at home! Make up some homemade face masks, get out the nail varnish (painting toenails is your partner’s job!), put together healthy smoothies, research the best pregnancy massage techniques. If you have some pregnancy-friendly aromatherapy and calming music you get bonus points! Get creative and stick on those dressing gowns.
Take a weeks holiday, really…
You might be at home together a lot more than usual, but are you making the most of it? With our baby moon cancelled I’m grieving the loss of that guilt free week of swimming, walking and chilling. We’re trying our best to make the most of this time by being productive which is great, but setting aside a solid amount of time to dedicate to treats and enjoying yourself is a must. What would you usually do on holiday? Swimming and tourism might be out but you can still cook good food, go for walks, watch movies and be creative together. Put aside a few days and plan out activities you’ll both enjoy. Don’t let work creep back in!
Before you know it your new baby will be in your arms and those days just the two of you will be a distant memory. Make the most of this time so you can really enjoy what’s to come. I’d love to hear if you have any other ideas or try any of these things out!
Hey! I’m Elise
I’m a wedding and portrait photographer based in Wiltshire, UK.
If you’re looking for someone to photograph your pregnancy or new born photos in a natural way, I’m your girl!
Get in touch below to find out more.