Eight steps to nail sparkler photos! - Salisbury wedding photographer
Sparklers are classic. There’s no event they can’t add a bit of sparkle to! At weddings they bring that magical mix of glamour, drama and playfulness. To really get the best out of your sparklers, and to make sure everyone stays safe, there are a few ways you’ll need to prepare beforehand. After years of helping couples organise sparkler walks I am perfectly placed to help here!
Step one - Buy LOTS of sparklers
Don’t go light, each person having a few sparklers creates the best effect. What looks good in person often needs a little more ‘oomph’ for the camera! Allow for a minimum of three per person, and round up. You’ll want a good few for yourselves, too! Bear in mind not all guests will take part, so for a wedding of 100 guests, 150-200 sparklers would be plenty.
Step two - Get the right sparklers
Not all sparklers were created equal!
Ideally go for gold sparklers over silver and the longest lasting option in budget. You want them to last a while so they don't start going out before you even have a chance to walk! My top buy is right here.
Step three -Make sure there will be buckets at the ready
This is super important for safety! Most venues will provide buckets if you discuss this with them ahead of time, but do check. If they aren’t able to provide anything appropriate or you just want to be sure, two or three of these will do the job.
Step four - Blowtorches, not lighters
Trust me, lighters do not light sparklers! You probably want about 6 little blowtorches minimum to get them all lit as quickly as possible. Ideally, designate 6 people to be on lighting duty. Have people group together and have your ‘lighters’ walk quickly down the line and light them as fast as possible. You want as many sparklers lit at a time as possible for best effect! These are an example of an option that might work for you. Don’t forget to buy gas and pre-fill them ready!
Step Five -Be prepared
It takes longer than you think to remove 300+ sparklers from their packets! Ideally, have them removed from the packet and put in a bucket or basket ready the day before. Make sure to keep them somewhere dry, cool and away from children.
Step six - Designate a head of sparklers
I will organise everyone into two lines or into a half circle and give them instructions, but I’m just one person! Having a head of sparklers ready to help hand out sparklers and blow torches, wrangle everyone outside in the first place and make sure no one sets their hair on fire is a must!
Step Seven - Choose your time of day carefully
There is an element of personal taste when choosing when to have your sparkler walk. Many people will tell you that they’re only worth doing in absolute darkness, but I don’t think this is true. For a dramatic, bright sparklers on a pitch black sky look you’ll need to wait until at least an hour after sunset. However, you can get a very pretty and sparkly effect with golden skin tones if you do sparklers just after sunset, too. In the summer you may find it won’t be completely dark until as late as 10.30pm
Step Eight - Walk slow and enjoy yourself!
I'll have everyone wave their sparklers high (away from hairspray!) and cheering for you, you just need to walk slowly and savour the moment. Stop for kisses along the way, look at each other and at your guests. Basically, enjoy it! When you get to the end, stop and go for a proper movie kiss. Make it last, hold the sparklers up. It's worth it! If you don’t fancy walking, you can always opt for the ‘horseshoe’ option and we can have fun celebrating together that way.
That’s it!
I’m here wishing you the awesome sparkler photos you’ve been dreaming of. The power is in your hands! Anything to add?
Hey! I’m Elise. A wedding photographer based in Wiltshire, UK.
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